Healthcare bills have been proven to be “rife” with errors and completely dysfunctional. Yet we are forced to pay up or get dragged into a collection process we are certain to lose while our credit is destroyed.

The Big Lie in My Healthcare Bill: Why I Don’t Owe What My Insurer Fails to Pay by Frank Lobb shows how a simple letter can “NOW” stop one of these fraudulent bills dead in its tracks. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has made it all so easy. Consumers just have to be smart enough to send that simple letter rather than line up as just another one of the sheep to be fleeced.

Frank Lobb is a retired U.S. Navy pilot with a long and distinguished career outside the Navy, including roles as General Manager for DuPont Process Instruments and then for DuPont’s Environmental Services business. After retiring from DuPont, Frank served as a Principal Consultant at Monsanto and then Clean Air Engineering on regulatory law and compliance. It was this extensive background in the law and compliance that allowed Frank to be credited with forcing EPA to scrap three years of work on the Clean Air Act and rewrite the compliance section of the Act around his recommendations. And it was this same background and expertise that allowed Frank to both access and dissect the carefully hidden contractual provisions that the healthcare insurance industry uses to deny the care and coverage patients are owed from their health insurance.

Now 87, Frank, lives on a 200-acre working-farm with Angie his English wife in Chester County Pennsylvania, along with Angie’s 17 ducks and their two English Springer Spaniels. From there, together with their son and son-in-law, they own and operate the leading hardware and supply business in the region. For more on The Big Lie in my Healthcare Bill: Why I Don’t Owe What My Insurer Fails to Pay, visit It’s also on Amazon at

We would like your ideas about topics for future video podcasts of interest to seniors.

Our newspaper has launched a new video podcast entitled “My Generation.” The 20-minute radio and video segment is aired on our website ( on the 1st and the 15th of each month. All shows will be archived on the site, as well as available on podcast portals such as Spotify, Itunes, Anchor and YouTube.

If you have a suggestion, drop us a note at South Shore Senior News, 412 Nantasket Ave., Hull, MA 02045 or call Tom Foye at 781-925-1515.

We look forward to hearing from you!