This segment of the My Generation podcast, sponsored by South Shore Senior News, offers some bright ideas. Solar, to be specific.

Does solar energy work for your home or commercial building? What are the options to capture the power of the sun? What are the tax credits? What is the payback period? What are the critical questions to ask before investing in solar?

Greg Aborn, a Plymouth, MA resident, and President of Plymouth Solar Energy, sheds light on the topic. Plymouth Solar Energy even provides a complimentary Solar Feasibility Study. For more info visit, call (508) 746-5430 or email

We would like your ideas about topics for future video podcasts of interest to seniors.

Our newspaper has launched a new video podcast entitled “My Generation.” The 20-minute radio and video segment is aired on our website ( on the 1st and the 15th of each month. All shows will be archived on the site, as well as available on podcast portals such as Spotify, Itunes, Anchor and YouTube.

If you have a suggestion, drop us a note at South Shore Senior News, 412 Nantasket Ave., Hull, MA 02045 or call Tom Foye at 781-925-1515.

We look forward to hearing from you!