Beep, beep. Stay alert and stay safe while taking a road trip

By Steven V. Dubin

Howdy, neighbor! This is how Midwesterners greet friends and strangers alike.
I just had the pleasure of a family reunion at the Iowa State Fair. Something that should be on everyone’s bucket list – corn dogs, sheep shearing, and unmatched people watching.
But how do you stay safe and savor these travel trips?
My lovely wife and I prefer “road trips.” Long car rides are a way for us to savor the scenery, enjoy little adventures along the way, compile lists (state license plates, vanity license plates, rivers crossed, water towers passed, fun billboards, animals seen) and reconnect.
That being said, I’ve also developed some safety mechanisms.
Traveling as a senior can be a wonderful experience, but it does require some extra planning to ensure safety and comfort. Here are some tips for safe travel:

  1. Carry a sufficient supply of medications in their original containers, along with a list of prescriptions.
  2. Itinerary. Share your travel itinerary with family or friends.
  3. Accommodation. I prefer to stay with friends and family, both for the price and the tour guide. As for hotels, choose accommodations that are senior-friendly, with elevators, ramps, and accessible rooms if needed.
  4. Pack smart. Comfortable clothing is key. Pack clothes that are easy to layer for varying weather conditions.
  5. Stay connected. Bring extra cords and keep your cellphone, watch, and reading pad fully charged.
  6. Health precautions. Stay hydrated. Take breaks every two hours to stretch and invigorate. Eat like a king, but include a salad, fruits, and vegetables.
  7. Stay vigilant. At a stop in Kansas City I was approached by a stranger in distress. He was also looking for money – for gas, for his baby, for medication. Scam? Probably. Be cautious when approached by strangers asking for or offering help.
  8. Keep items secure. To the distress of some, I use a belly pack. Everything I need is right there. You may prefer a money belt.
  9. Pace yourself. I like to get up early and go. But by mid-evening I’m ready for a movie in the hotel room. Don’t over-schedule your days. Allow time for rest and relaxation.
    I urge you to go and seek the great unknown. Enjoy your wanderlust.

What are your travel tips? Safety advice? Destination suggestions? Also, if you know of a senior who is doing something interesting with their retirement, I look forward to hearing from you! Please email me at 

Steven V. Dubin is the founder of PR Works, a lightly used public relations firm based in Plymouth which helps small to mid-sized nonprofit organizations and for-profit companies navigate the overwhelming options of advertising. Steve lives in Plymouth with his wife, Wendy. He is a contributing author to “Get Slightly Famous” and “Tricks of the Trade,” the complete guide to succeeding in the advice business. He recently authored “PR 101,” an E-book.